Covid4J – Spring Boot REST Api for Pulling Covid-19 Stats
Hey Folks! If you want to pull Covid-19 Stats for a Country or State or City, you can do it pretty easily by following the below code. And it does not need signup to any website nor any public/private keys. Covid4J sources the latest data from WHO website which is regularly updated. So, its always authentic and correct.
Add the following Maven dependency:-
<dependency> <groupId>io.javaninja.ajeet</groupId> <artifactId>covid4j</artifactId> <version>1.0.3</version> </dependency>
If you want to see how to use Covid4J to build a simple web application to fetch and display data, visit the link.
The Api exposes two endpoints which provide the Covid-19 stats for a Country or City/State. The path variables are not case-sensitive.
1. Get stats by Country:-
@GetMapping("/getCovidDataByCountry/{country}") public CovidStats getCovidDataByCountry(@PathVariable String country) throws IOException { return CovidApi.getAllCovidStatsForCountry(country); }
2. Get stats by State/City:-
@GetMapping("/getCovidDataByCityOrState/{cityOrState}") public CovidStats getCovidDataByCityOrState(@PathVariable String cityOrState) throws IOException { return CovidApi.getAllCovidStatsForCityOrState(cityOrState); }
Sample response returned by the Api for country ‘India’:-
{ "name": "india", "type": "country", "confirmed": "321K", "recovered": "162K", "deaths": "9,195", "confirmedNewCases": "+11,929", "confirmedNewDeaths": "+311", "lastUpdated": "Updated less than 20 mins ago" }